Shadow Play

Sometimes I will post work produced as part of my coursework, and this particular project - the Shadow Play Project - is an example of that. I began this project as part of a SCAD class, Integrated Design Media, which entailed learning how to tell a multidimensional story across multiple media (aka. transmedia) to a specific audience.

The idea for this project was to introduce the concept of the Shadow Self and create tools to help a person meet and integrate their shadow aspects to achieve wholeness, authenticity and maximum vitality. The tools were a printed journal/handbook called the. Shadow Play Book, The Shadow Play Box: a monthly creative action crate that was a subscription-based shipment of specific adult art and craft supplies aimed at liberating and expressing the shadow self, and a website that tied these elements together with multimedia meditations and additional therapeutic resources.

Encouraged by my professor and classmates, I used shadows as the main visual language and did lots of experimentation with shadows, materials, and lettering before settling on the final pieces that make up these projects. These top two images didn’t make it into the work, but were some of my favorite failed attempts that I thought turned out rather nicely.

Making shadows

Making shadows

Creating this shadow steak was, in the end, not the final solution. However, I was proud of how the texture of the gristle was achieved by using a clear plastic bag attached to the cardstock stencil.

Creating this shadow steak was, in the end, not the final solution. However, I was proud of how the texture of the gristle was achieved by using a clear plastic bag attached to the cardstock stencil.